Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I took a break from reading young adult literature to read the newest in the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz, called Deeply Odd.  Now, I should preface this review with the fact that, in general, I am not a fan of Koontz.  The exceptions are this series and the Frankenstein series.  

Odd Thomas is the given name of the main character of the series.  He is a barely 20 young man that is quite satisfied to work as a fry cook, oh, and he can see dead people and other supernatural phenomenon.  his "gift" helps him solve murders and sometimes allows him to sense when terrible things will happen.  The books are usually exciting and funny....Elvis and Frank Sinatra have made appearances as well as a ghost dog named Boo.

Unfortunately, I found this book just way too....well.....deep.  There was way too much time spent discussing the nature of evil, of being blue and smooth (don't ask), and moping over his lost love.  Blech.  If you cut out the moping and the deep conversations, it's an exciting story.  Odd gets one of his premonitions that a flashy trucker is intent on murdering children.  He starts a wild chase to find him before it happens.  On the way he meets a mysterious old woman in a limo, crosses into hell, and runs afoul of a Satanic cult!  

I suggest you not start with this book if you haven't read any other of the Odd Thomas books.  Not only will you be lost, this would not give you the best opinion of the series.

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