Thursday, March 27, 2014

Great little story

8 Class Pets+1 Squirrel/1Dog=CHAOS by Vivian Vande Velde is a rollicking chase through the biggest mystery to a kid....what do school pets do at night?  This quick little read begins innocently enough with the school-yard squirrel running for his life from a maurading owl.  In the coure of his mad dash he accidently runs over the dog next door, who must, of course, join the chase.  The squirrel escapes the owl by dasing into an open door of the school.  Told from the point of view of various animals....the squirrel, a rabbit, a hamster, fish and even a macaw, the mad dash of the squirrel, who is more naughty than panicked, ends in a huge mess!  Each chapter picks up as the squirrel romps through the classrooms with the poor dog chasing it. Luckily, all ends well thanks to the cleverness of these school pets.  Great fun!

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