Monday, July 22, 2013

I identified....not sure if everyone will

I read Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande as an e-book using Overdrive, and I was drawn to it simply because of the title.  Without drawing out my life growing up, I was raised in an Evangelical Christian Church.  I am quite familiar with both the comfort of being "right" and the realization that right isn't so black and white.   Mena's journey spoke to me.

Mena's whole life has changed because she did the right thing.  Now her former friends, including the boy she liked, have ostracized her and started a campaign to humiliate her.  To make it worse, her parents are mad as well because her actions impacted their business.  Mena was raised in an Evangelical Church and this all started when she spoke up about bullying behavior their youth group started against a junior high student that was gay.  Now, her whole view on the world has been opened, but, can she survive being the outcast?  And, does she have the courage to support a teacher that is the newest target of the church for teaching evolution in science?  Of course, she can't even think about liking her lab partner....or, can she?

Before you think this is a faith-bashing book, and part of what makes it more thought-provoking is that the teacher who teaches evolution turns out to also be a person of faith.  There is respect for religion in this story.
Because I was raised in an Evangelical Church, I understand the culture and the pressure.  I wonder if it would be as meaningful to someone without that background.  If you read it, let me know!
Product Details

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