Saturday, August 16, 2014

Exciting, post-apocalyptic

I wasn't sure what to expect from the book after seeing the cover of The Boy at the End of the World, by Greg van Eekhout.  It seemed a bit odd:

Why is the boy glowing?  Is the robot going to hurt him?  He's looking at something amazing? scary? huge? all of the above?  Is there a fire in the background?  It seemed a bit much for a cover, and I was worried that the book would be.....messy.  I must say, it was exciting, action-packed, and yet it worked.  I was never bored!

It begins with Fisher, the boy on the cover, waking (being born) in the pod in which he had been "grown."   This is set in a future in which humans have destroyed the earth.  In an effort to save the world that was falling apart, scientists created Arks in which they grew and maintained genetic clones of all the creatures that were dying: elephants, bears, bugs and humans, to name a few.  The Ark in which Fisher slept was completely destroyed.  He was the last living organism.  As The Ark crumbles around him, he must escape with only one companion....a robot that was programmed to maintain The Ark, and, who woke him.  Fisher quickly names him Click, and they escape into the wilds.  They discover killer robots, mini mammoths, giant killer parrots, and prairie dogs that talk.  They venture off in search of the other Arks, in hopes of finding more humans.  Will this be the end of humanity?

This books is full of action and a sly sense of humor.  For example, Fisher ends up joined by a baby mini mammoth that he quickly names "Protein."  Quick, entertaining, read that makes one think, a little, about the impact our decisions make far into the future.

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